Secret American Document Reveals Australia’s Sending of Infected Sheep Shipment to Iraqis in 2003

Watan-A secret American document dated October 1, 2003, revealed that Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Dr. Mohammad Al-Sabah complained to American Ambassador Richard Jones that Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer tried to pressure him into accepting a shipment of infected Australian sheep for slaughter in Kuwaiti abattoirs and subsequent free distribution in Iraq.
The Kuwaiti minister noted that Saudi Arabia had refused to allow the shipment into its territory after inspecting and discovering the disease, so how could Kuwait accept it? This is also against the laws of the Gulf Cooperation Council, which prohibit a state from accepting a shipment rejected by another Gulf state.
“Iraq doesn’t need sheep”
He then questioned how the press would react if they learned of the matter, calling it a “death shipment” and writing: “Poisoned meat offered to Iraqis through Kuwait!”
The document, numbered (03-kuwait 4486-A-7237), mentioned that the Kuwaiti Foreign Minister sarcastically commented, “We understand the Australians’ excessive generosity, but Iraq doesn’t need sheep; sheep there are sold for a single banana.”
Khaled Al-Babtain, the Director of the Americas Department at the Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry, then intervened, saying the problem might be about to move away from Kuwait, as the Australians had understood to stay away from Kuwait and go back to the Saudis or send the sheep to Africa!
He strongly supported Australia’s participation in the Iraq War.
Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, who tried to pressure the Kuwaiti Foreign Minister into participating in his heinous crime, is considered one of the worst Australian politicians in history. In 2002, this minister was accused of failing to pass on intelligence reports he received before the 2002 Bali bombings, which killed 88 Australians.
This minister was also behind the decision to prevent the MV Tampa ship from docking on Australia’s Christmas Island, carrying 433 refugees who had been rescued earlier, endangering them and leading to some deaths, for which Australia faced severe international criticism.
Downer also strongly supported Australia’s participation in the Iraq war, saying that Iraq, the Middle East, and the world “would be better off without Saddam Hussein’s regime.” He asserted that weapons of mass destruction would be found in Iraq!